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VDL Fleurs is a modern, year round chrysanthemum nursery in Westland, the heart of Dutch horticulture.

VDL Fleurs is a modern, year round chrysanthemum nursery in Westland, the heart of Dutch horticulture.

+This commercial nursery lies close to the Flora Holland Naaldwijk auction and supplies fresh chrysanthemums several times a day through the Zentoo growers association.

VDL Fleurs’ commitment to quality and the environment is reflected in several certifications, including MPS A, Global GAP and GRASSP. In its operations, the company prioritises its plants and its customers.






Pina Colada Yellow

Purple Star





Pina Colada Yellow

Purple Star

For the full range and the shelf-ready packaging, please see Zentoo website.

About VDL Fleurs

VDL Fleurs’ roots lie in the company that Teun van der Lugt Senior founded in 1950. He started growing plants under flat glass and grew his business until the chrysanthemum trade started to flourish. The first chrysanthemums were traded in 1967.

After a few years of growing tomatoes, lettuce and chrysanthemums, Teun van der Lugt Senior concentrated solely on chrysanthemums. In 1979, his son Gerrit joined the company and they gradually expanded their acreage to 22,000 m². After years of working together, Teun eventually left the company and Gerrit continued on his own. In 2001, he had a new glasshouse built of 36,000 m² which has since become known as VDL Fleurs.

Six years later, Gerrit’s son Teun joined the company. VDL Fleurs is a real family business managed by Teun and his parents . In 2009, saw the dawn of a new era. The garden that was built in 2001 was called ‘Tuin I’ (Garden I) and work started on building ‘Tuin II’. VDL Fleurs is now a modern horticultural company of 38,000 m². As far as possible, the labour intensive work is automated using technology such as plant robots and a fully automated spraying robot.

After having managed the company together for 12 years, the parents stepped down from the management in 2019 and Teun continued on his own, supported by Marco Boekestijn, Jim Ammerlaan and Corne de Wildt. In 2020, after a period of 4 years of collaboration within Fleur Market, the company became a full member of the Zentoo growers’ association. A next step followed quickly. The demand for high-quality santinis was growing within Zentoo. So a switch from spray chrysanthemum to santini was a logical step. The first santinis on VDL Fleurs I were harvested and traded in August 2021.

Our team

Teun van der Lugt

Teun van der Lugt


Marco Boekestijn

Marco Boekestijn


Caring for your chrysanthemums

Use a clean vase
Remove any excess leaves to avoid leaves hanging in the water
Chrysanthemums can be kept for a long time in water, but cut flower food helps them develop fully and they stay fresh longer. It also helps keep the water clean.
Cut 3 cms off the bottom of the stem
Place the chrysanthemums in clean water or in water with cut flower food
Refresh the water once a week and cut a little off the bottom of the stems again. Do not put the cut chrysanthemums in full sunlight.
Please use the form below to contact us.
We will contact you as quickly as we can.
Tuin I
Hoge Noordweg 20a
2671 DZ Naaldwijk

Tuin II
Hoge Noordweg 23
2671 DZ Naaldwijk



Teun van der Lugt

Marco Boekestijn